Sunday, December 20, 2009

Tastes can differ...

Hey guys!It has been almost a month since I last posted anything on my blog.Well,this post isn’t going to be full of excuses as to why I didn’t post anything!Because the most obvious reasons for not posting anything are known to all of you!(can’t think of anything to write,no time,net not working, blah,blah,blah!)

Well,merry Christmas to all of you,in advance.My Christmas vacation started yesterday.I’m emphasizing on the word ‘my’ because the other kids will get their vacation after the annual day.But,as I am going out of station (I’ll tell you where in my next post)my vacation started yesterday.

Yesterday I had fun,in general .I went to watch that movie,Paa.It’s a good movie,actually,I didn’t understand why most of my friends were condemning it,saying it’s the most idiotic movie they’ve ever seen.Well,tastes can differ,some of them had said it’s awesome and even I found it awesome.

Tastes can differ…this sentence reminds me of a funny incident in school.We were given toffees to eat in English class so that we can relate the colour or taste of the toffee to some emotion and make a sense poem out of it.We had to work in pairs so my partner and I got a toffee each called Hing-Ming.No one had ever heard of it but all the same we ate it.I liked the taste but my partner yelled out loud,saying, ‘it’s yucks’She actually felt like vomiting!Then she asked for a different chocolate and she even got it,but all that time,I was gaping at her with a startled expression,telling the teacher that the toffee,though not very delicious,was bearable.I mean,frankly speaking,I liked it and I am sure that if the others would have eaten it,they wouldn’t have reacted like that.

We had a sort of argument on this,but finally,we came to the conclusion that tastes can differ and what may seem good or wonderful to one may not seem the same to the other.

Well,so I’ll end my post on this note.Merry Christmas to you all.And look forward for the next post…I’ve not yet told you where I am going!

Till then,bye-bye!

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